Pain Management

5 Remedies and Prevention Tips for Foot Pain

Prevention Tips for Foot Pain Overview From construction to retail, people in all types of...

What are the Best Medications for Depression?

Antidepressants are often the first treatment prescribed for depression. However, finding the right medications...

Review: Overcoming Pain Based on EMDR App

Back in 2012, I had spinal fusion surgery. 17 of my vertebrae ended up...
HomeLifestylePain Management

10 Chronic Pain Podcasts To Follow in 2023

Learning to live with chronic pain can be challenging, but it's essential to stay dialed in to trending topics related to your condition. To...

Cold Laser Therapy for Chronic Pain: Should You Try It?

Have you ever thought of beaming light energy into your skin? If you're looking to reduce pain and swelling from your acute or chronic...

4 Natural Painkillers That Can Work Even on Your Worst Pain Days

For people with chronic pain, finding relief from the discomfort is essential in improving their overall quality of life. Oftentimes, patients worry that the...

12 Months ‘Til Less Pain in 2024!

Coping with chronic pain or other painful conditions is tough, especially around holidays when a lot of responsibility is placed on a person. Christmas...


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