Nervous System

3 Causes of Neurogenic Pain And How to Treat Them

Chronic pain is something that impacts a significant number of people throughout the United States. But even though the prevalence of chronic pain is so high, there’s still a...

Peripheral Neuropathies: Friedreich’s Ataxia – Treatment?

Friedreich's ataxia, a genetic condition, disables its patients without a cure but with Treatments? Dr....

End Pain Naturally: Explore Benefits of The MELT Method

Can you reduce chronic pain without medication or surgery? Sue Hitzmann, creator of the...

Ask the Experts: What Is Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy?

With RSD, an injury heals but the pain rages on. WHAT IS IT? Reflex sympathetic dystrophy...
HomeNervous System

Lady Gaga Has Fibromyalgia – What’s That?

Common symptoms of Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia is associated with feeling frequent body aches. Here are some of the most common symptoms of fibromyalgia: Muscle pain, burning,...

What is Peripheral Neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy is a condition that causes weakness, numbness and pain, typically occurring in your hands and feet. People with peripheral neuropathy generally describe...

Ask The Experts: Low-Level Laser Therapy Technology

Are you thinking of trying Low-Level Laser Therapy? For more information and to see if this could be a possible therapy for you, read...

Peripheral Neuropathies: Lupus

Peripheral Neuropathies: Lupus Overview Peripheral Neuropathies, Lupus, is often associated with a "butterfly rash" on the face. Its affects, however, are far from being as...


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