DepressionPreparing for Seasonal Depression

Preparing for Seasonal Depression

With the holidays and colder winter months just around the corner, you might be getting ready for all the ups and downs of the season. As days grow darker and colder, especially up north, you might also be wondering if there’s anything you can do to prepare for the emotions that winter months often bring.

How can you cope with the dark and cold? You don’t have to go through it alone, and we’re here to help you start preparing for seasonal depression.

A positive shift in mindset 

It may sound silly, but a positive shift in mindset has the potential to help you view winter differently. Take a study done in Norway. When asked why they don’t have seasonal depression, they responded by saying, “Why would we?”

The Norwegians in the study embraced the winter by celebrating the things they can do only in the winter, like skiing. Spending time outdoors is a great way to boost your mood even if you can’t ski.

Don’t get pulled into complaining about the cold, winter season. Instead, use your new positive shift in mindset to talk about all of the good things about winter. It can even be the simplest thing. You could talk about how you can drink hot cocoa or cider now, for example.

Embrace the small winter things

During the winter months, people can enjoy small winter things. You might be wondering what those things are. They can be anything that brings you joy. For example, sitting next to a lit fireplace and drinking a cup of tea, coffee or cocoa could warm you right up. Or maybe, you can put on your PJs and get under a warm blanket to watch a movie.

Many people have a favorite winter drink, such as warm cider or cocoa. Whip up your favorite drink, and invite friends over for relaxation and fun. Staying close to your social network of friends and family will help you beat the winter blues.

Enjoy the outdoors

As we mentioned earlier, spending time outside is a proven mood-booster. But, you might not feel up to going outside in the cold for a very long time. That’s perfectly fine. Try bringing the outdoors in.

Open up the curtains and blinds in the windows of your house. Place your favorite chair, like an arm chair or rocking chair, in front of the window. Now, you can watch all the activities going on outside from the warmth of your home.

Here’s a tip: buy a bird feeder and fill it with bird seed. Soon you’ll have birds flying in and out of your yard for your entertainment. Just don’t forget to keep filling it throughout the winter months!

Find a festival

Wintertime festivals are a great way to get out of the house and enjoy time with other people. You could attend an art festival, music festival, craft festival or whatever kind of gathering your local community is having. Check out your local community center’s festivals and activities information.

A lot of places also setup beautiful light displays. There are even some that you can walk through. Some are set to music, too.

Bundle up and set out on a festival adventure with a friend. Soon, you won’t even notice the chilly temperature.

What else can you do?

Seasonal depression can be challenging to live with, and if you’re having trouble feeling better, you may need to talk to a mental health professional or your doctor. You and your medical team can work together to develop a treatment plan for seasonal depression. Remember, you’re not alone, and a lot of people experience seasonal depression. With our tips, hopefully this winter season is a happier one.


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