GastrointestinalCould a Leaky Gut Be the Cause of Your Chronic Pain?

Could a Leaky Gut Be the Cause of Your Chronic Pain?

Many nutritionists talk about leaky gut syndrome, and how it can be hurting your health. However, leaky gut is often under diagnosed, and if left untreated, can lead to chronic health problems, such as fatigue, anxiety, depression, muscle and joint pain and more.

If you suffer from chronic pain, a leaky gut might be contributing to your condition. Here’s everything you need to know about a leaky gut, and what you can do to heal your body.

What is a leaky gut?

What is a leaky gut?Leaky gut, also known as intestinal hyperpermeability, is a GI problem. It is caused by many foods that you’ll find in the Standard American Diet (SAD), which cause damage to the intestinal lining and poor gut health.

Your digestive tract is lined with tissue that has several tiny holes that allow only specific substances to pass through. This lining serves as a protective barrier, filtering out larger particles that can cause damage to your body.

When someone has a increased intestinal permeability, it means that the barrier has been damaged, resulting in bigger holes that don’t filter as effectively as a healthy gut lining. The things that pass through, such as gluten, bad bacteria and undigested food particles, can be toxic, and when leaked into your bloodstream can cause an immune reaction in your body.

Symptoms of increased intestinal permeability

There are many ways that your body might be trying to tell you that you have increased intestinal permeability. Here are some of the main symptoms of increased intestinal permeability: 

Causes of increased intestinal permeability

Causes of a leaky gutMost often, increased intestinal permeability is caused by our food choices. The specific foods that cause a leaky gut varies from person to person. Some common offenders include:

  • Gluten
  • Grains
  • Refined sugar and artificial sweeteners
  • Soy
  • Dairy

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