Chemicals in everyday household products are adding to an already high percentage of breast cancer in women.
A new study suggests that 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer at some point in their lives, a number that is expected to grow. Many household cleaners, make-up, bottles and cans, and personal care products use chemicals that increase the risk of developing breast cancer. Even some foods are treated with chemicals and hormones. So what’s a woman to do when so many things in her home could increase her risk of contracting cancer? Follow these guidelines, and work toward lowering your risk.
Read the labels
Shopping safer is a must. Be sure to read the labels of the products you buy and learn what all the chemicals are. Chances are, organic and natural products are safer to consume.
For a neat freak, cleaning less often is a hard concept to swallow, but it could be better for her overall health. Many companies even use material like PVC to prevent their cleaning products from being damaged or abused, but inhaling things like PVC can be a health hazard, as well.
You are what you eat
Watch for chemicals like BPA and DES, especially for babies. Their bodies can’t dispose of waste as efficiently as adults can.
Also, watch out for pre-processed foods, additives, hormones, and preservatives. While not all of them are bad for you, some of them barely passed the FDA’s standards, and fall into a gray area of “technically safe.” Better to be safe, then technically safe.
Be diligent in the use or consumption of the following items:
- canned goods: BPA (Bisphenol A) is common in canned goods and in plastics like baby bottles (look for labels that state the products are BPA free)
- anything that has added fragrance: cleaning products, detergents, air fresheners and many other kinds of household products could be harboring potentially carcinogenic chemicals
- personal hygiene products: you might be surprised at how many products contain Formaldehyde.
- products that contain anything with glycol or methyl in them (they typically contain parabens, phthalates or sodium lauryl/laureth sulfate)
- products with DEA, TEA, DMDM Hydantoin, Triclosan and PEGs (fragrances may fall into this category as well as shampoos, lotions, hair care products, toothpastes and soap)
- foods that contain parabens
While personal care products usually list parabens on the label, foods typically don’t. It’s a good idea to research foods on the internet to avoid the intake of dangerous chemicals and to make sure your family is eating healthy. Recent studies have found traces of parabens in tumor samples taken from women with breast cancer.
While more research is needed to determine why, these results are profound and should be taken into consideration when purchasing products that contain parabens.
Organic products have become a rising trend in both food and household products. There are many products available to the modern consumer, some of which are at or near the same cost as their chemically treated siblings. If your neighborhood store doesn’t carry organic foods, visit a local farmer’s market. If you can’t find cleaning and hygiene products that will inspire you to go green, try shopping online. L
ook for the words “natural” or “organic”, and make sure you read the ingredient list before purchase. Also, don’t be fooled into thinking that new, natural products don’t clean as well. Many work great. Your grandmother used those old-fashioned products in a different time, when we weren’t as educated on health issues as we are today. Live healthy, be strong, and lower your risk for disease.
– – Info UPDATED on 2024 – –
Link Between Brest Cancer and Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) (used by Monsanto Company)
PCBs have shown toxic and mutagenic effects by interfering with hormones in the body. PCBs, depending on the specific congener, have been shown to both inhibit and imitate estradiol, the main sex hormone in females. Imitation of the estrogen compound can feed estrogen-dependent breast cancer cells, and possibly cause other cancers, such as uterine or cervical. Inhibition of estradiol can lead to serious developmental problems for both males and females, including sexual, skeletal, and mental development issues.[citation needed][64] In a cross-sectional study, PCBs were found to be negatively associated with testosterone levels in adolescent boys.[65] source: Wikepedia

Breast cancer cluster suspected at NC State’s Poe Hall, contaminated with PCBs; separate study shows those chemicals linked to that cancer – read more
What are PCBs?
Monsanto was the primary manufacturer of PCBs in the U.S. There are 209 PCB mixtures commercially known as Aroclors; in Poe Hall Aroclors 1254 and 1262 were detected, test results showed. (The last two digits indicate the percentage of chlorine by weight. For example, Aroclor 1254 is 54% chlorine by weight.) source: NCNewsLine
A letter exclusively given to WRAL indicates North Carolina State University asked the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to stop investigating potentially high rates of cancer at a campus building. The decision ignores the pleas of NC State employees and former students battling cancer. In November, NC State closed Poe Hall after testing revealed high levels of PCBs in a women’s bathroom, a door gasket, the air handler and more. The toxic chemicals, once used in manufacturing, are now linked to cancer. Five On Your Side spent 11 weeks investigating Poe Hall and has independently confirmed 40 cases of cancer in people who spent time at Poe Hall, including several deaths. When NC State closed Poe Hall, former grad student Sarah Glad contacted 5 On Your Side. Glad earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees at NC State and spent years in Poe Hall. By the time she contacted WRAL, Glad had stage 4 breast cancer. Glad agreed to an interview that would never happen. She died in January, but not before fulfilling her dream of becoming a mother. She delivered a healthy baby boy in August 2022, as her cancer spread.