Common symptoms of Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is associated with feeling frequent body aches. Here are some of the most common symptoms of fibromyalgia:
- Muscle pain, burning, twitching or tightness
- Low pain threshold or tender points
- Draining fatigue
- Trouble concentrating and remembering, referred to as “fibro fog”
- Insomnia or not being able to sleep at night
- Feeling nervous, worried or depressed
Who gets Fibromyalgia?
Doctors still aren’t sure what specifically causes fibromyalgia, but many believe that it has to do with how the brain communicates pain with the body. It most likely occurs in women, especially those with mood disorders, arthritis or some form of PTSD. Additionally, not exercising increases one’s risk for developing fibromyalgia.
Lady Gaga raises awareness about Fibromyalgia
In Five Foot Two, Gaga’s documentary on Netflix, Lady Gaga discusses what it’s like living with fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a chronic and painful illness, and Lady Gaga has set out to raise awareness and connect people who have it. As stated in her tweet from September 2017, Gaga announced she suffers from extreme nerve pain caused by fibromyalgia
Her announcement led many people to ask: What is fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia is often misunderstood, and can be hard to diagnose. While there currently is no cure, symptoms can be reduced through a combination of medication, exercise, stress management and healthy lifestyle habits.
“It was basically hard on a fundamental human level to be near someone who was experiencing pain like that and knowing that there is nothing you can do,”
In the documentary, Lady Gaga seeks to raise awareness and understanding about this painful condition.
“It was basically hard on a fundamental human level to be near someone who was experiencing pain like that and knowing that there is nothing you can do,” said director Chris Moukarbel about working with Lady Gaga on the film.
Lady Gaga’s fibromyalgia pain became so intense that she actually had to cancel her European tour that had been scheduled to start the same month as her announcement. To learn more about her personal experience with fibromyalgia, watch Five Foot Two, now available on Netflix.
Other celebrities who have fibromyalgia include Morgan Freeman and Susan Flannery.
Lady Gaga Raises Awareness About Fibromyalgia

Hello all, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia since 2004, unfortunately changed my life completely, as right now on 5-06-23 has been 1week of feeling nauseous, exhausted, little bit dizzy, not much energy, I’m 48 yrs old, but I can’t let this illness win, I pushed myself once a while to do my duties at home. Living with this horrible illness is living in hell because sometimes I have the sensation the my body is burning.
Hello all. I have had fibro for 2 yrs now that’s when I was told I have it. It’s the worst. Does any one get where they can not touch one side of your face it’s like burning ??
Hello Dawn, yes I understand you perfectly, before the burning sensations was only on my legs, arms now is on my face, but I found out myself to get a wet towel and I got to my couch or bed and I just put it on my body and feels a relief, to the point that I felt asleep.
I have had fibromyalgia for years but suddenly it turned for worse. My doctor said I had experienced a major “flare-up” I took to the internet for information and found very little on “flare-ups”
Can you help me understand just what a fare up is? I know about fibromyalgia but never expected this to happen to me.
I really appreciate this and I wish you the best of success as you reach out to others with this illness.
Thanks for reaching out. Fibromyalgia is a complicated condition in that it can show up in different people in different ways. In other words, there’s no “one size fits all” description. Here are a few articles that you might find to be helpful:
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