News & ExpertsVideo NewsLocal Regulation of Marijuana and Chronic Pain

Local Regulation of Marijuana and Chronic Pain

Extra sources:
FDA Regulation of Cannabis
Florida Laws and Penalties

OffensePenaltyIncarceration  Max. Fine

Possession in Florida – other states in the USA

20 grams or lessMisdemeanor1 year$ 1,000
More than 20 grams – 25 lbsFelony5 years$ 5,000
More than 25 – less than 2000 lbsFelony3* – 15 years$ 25,000
2000 – less than 10,000 lbsFelony7* – 30 years$ 50,000
10,000 lbs or moreFelony15* – 30 years$ 200,000
Less than 25 plantsFelony5 years$ 5,000
25 – 300 plantsFelony15 years$ 10,000
300 – 2,000 plantsFelony3* – 15 years$ 25,000
2000 – 10,000 plantsFelony7* – 30 years$ 50,000
10,000 plants or moreFelony15* – 30 years$ 50,000
Within 1000 feet of a school, college, park, or other specified areasFelony3* – 15 years$ 10,000
* Mandatory minimum sentence


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