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Eating Your Way Toward Pain Relief

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Spices in piles on plate

When Chronic Pain is pestering you, flavor up your foods with these natural pain relieving spices.

One thing is certain: Pain is no fun. Many conditions require a doctor’s care over a long period of time, and others come on more suddenly and acutely. Regardless of the pain condition, there are ways to ease the discomfort without relying exclusively on expensive and potentially harmful medications. When preparing your next meal or perusing your favorite menu, try working your way through this list of healing spices and herbs to see if there are any that might help relieve your burden.


  • Cumin: Supports digestion, may help control blood sugar levels, and has antioxidant properties.
  • Fennel: Aids digestion, may reduce bloating and gas, and has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Mustard Seed: Rich in antioxidants, may help alleviate muscle pain, and has antimicrobial properties.
  • Coriander Seed: Supports digestion, may lower blood sugar levels, and has antioxidant properties.
  • Anise: Helps alleviate digestive issues, may improve sleep quality, and has antimicrobial properties.
  • Caraway: Aids digestion, may reduce bloating and gas, and has antioxidant properties.
  • Juniper Berry: Supports digestive health, may reduce inflammation, and has diuretic properties.
  • Celery Seed: May help lower blood pressure, supports digestive health, and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Podcast: Can spices improve your health?

Episode Description:
Kanchan Koya grew up in a house filled with wonderful fragrances from the spices simmering on her grandmother’s stove. In India, it was a common belief that spices were more than just pleasant tastes. Ancient wisdom said they had medicinal properties, and it was common for household medicine cabinets to store dried spices, not pills.
Kanchan grew up to become a molecular biologist, studying in the US at Harvard Medical School. When her lab began to investigate turmeric’s healing properties, the ancient wisdom from her childhood met the scientific inquiry of her adult life – beginning a lifelong obsession with the health benefits of spice.

In today’s episode, Kanchan and regular guest Tim Spector help us understand whether there is any scientific evidence to support the health benefits of spices, the easiest way to add spice to our diet, and which ones to choose.

Kanchan Koya: is the founder of SpiceSpiceBaby and The Radical Vitality Podcast with a Ph.D. in Biomedicine from Harvard University and training from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition.
Tim Spector: is a co-founder at ZOE and one of the top 100 most cited scientists in the world.


Regardless of their effectiveness, all of these spices are harmless to most patients, other than common allergic reactions. There is no guarantee that these spices will heal any condition or will work better than prescribed or over the counter medications, but evidence has proven them all to be effective in battling pain. We always recommend you speak with a doctor about any condition that is painful or gets worse over time. This could be a sign of a more serious health condition.


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