Phoebe Brown

Phoebe Brown is a freelance writer in the spheres of health, travel, fitness and lifestyle. She is a graduate of University of South Florida with a degree in English. She enjoys running marathons, swimming and working with community service health initiatives.

Practicing Gratitude to Fight Pain: How Does It Work?

During the holidays, gratitude and feeling thankful are regular topics of conversation. Many people talk about all the people and things they feel grateful...

5 Mantras for Pain Management

When you live with chronic pain, you often look for ways to manage pain throughout the day. Finding simple, gentle pain management techniques are...

The Isolating Loneliness of Living with Chronic Pain

For people living with chronic pain, every day can feel like an uphill battle. Chronic pain is often caused by an underlying condition, such...

What Is Carpal Tunnel?

People living with carpal tunnel syndrome often experience tingling, numbness and other symptoms in their hands and arms. It occurs when a nerve is...


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