Guest Blogger

Chlorella For Fibromyalgia: Can It Improve Symptoms?

Chlorella may be one of the many natural remedies for fibromyalgia... Fibromyalgia is a painful and serious condition that causes pain throughout the whole body. Fibromyalgia is also associated...

Why Do My Gums Hurt?

Gum pain may seem insignificant to some, but anyone who has suffered from the...

Feeling Lethargic? 5 Ways to Beat Fatigue

Feeling physically empty and depleted is something everyone experiences throughout their life. There isn’t...

How Chronic Pain Impacts Family Relationships

When you’re living in pain, your life changes. Sometimes medication works, and other times,...
HomeGuest Blogger

Why You Should Try Aqua Yoga For Chronic Pain

If you’re a chronic pain patient like me, you’ve probably had someone, under the guise of being helpful, tell you to try yoga. But...

Why We Shouldn’t Call Trigeminal Neuralgia “The Suicide Disease”

I felt a strange sense of relief when I was finally diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN). After so many years of living with facial...

5 Things Not to Say to Someone with Chronic Pain

In 2013, I was involved in a car accident that changed my life. Although the damage to my car was surprisingly minor, that 10...

Cultivating Gratitude While Facing Chronic Pain

Are you grateful for your life?  Are you grateful for the things you've been given? Does that include your chronic pain, chronic fatigue and...


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