Aryanna Denk

Aryanna Denk is a disabled writer from Buffalo, NY. She holds an MFA in Fiction from Bowling Green State University, Ohio and writes often about her own experiences in living with multiple chronic illnesses. When she isn't writing, Aryanna is a writing instructor and disability advocate at a local university.

New Study Shows COVID May Be Reactivating Viruses in the Body

The more time passes from the initial COVID outbreak in 2020, the more we are able to learn about its long-lasting side effects. In...

The Link Between Gut Health and Anxiety: Your Frequently Asked Questions

Have you ever had butterflies in your stomach when you were scared? Or felt your stomach twist in knots when you were nervous? Believe...

Traumatic Brain Injury and Chronic Pain: What’s the Connection?

Hundreds of thousands of people are hospitalized for a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in the United States each year, with millions more impacted worldwide. There is...

4 Natural Painkillers That Can Work Even on Your Worst Pain Days

For people with chronic pain, finding relief from the discomfort is essential in improving their overall quality of life. Oftentimes, patients worry that the...


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