Zachary Pottle

Zachary Pottle is a born-and-raised Mainer, who holds a BA in English with a specialization in professional writing from Saint Leo University in sunny Florida. He currently works as a journalist for Pain Resource, where he writes about breaking news in the medical industry. When not writing, he enjoys spending his time watering his plants and drinking a cup of earl grey.

Study Identifies Genetic Changes in Patients Who Develop Esophageal Cancer

A recent study published in Nature Communications has found that DNA changes in patients with a certain precancerous condition, known as Barrett’s esophagus or...

What Is Hypothyroidism? Signs, Symptoms, and Causes

Your thyroid gland is responsible for secreting hormones that play an essential role in many of your body’s functions. From breathing to metabolism, to...

Superhero Quiz: Find Out What Superhero You Are!

What superhero am I? Wondering whether you’re more like Superman or Wonder Woman? Look no further! Answer these quick questions, find out what superhero you...

Study Finds Link Between Childhood Abuse and High Cholesterol as an Adult

A new study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association has found a link between exposure to childhood abuse and risk factors...


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