Healthy Living

5 Facts for Thyroid Awareness Month

Every January brings us the opportunity to raise awareness for thyroid diseases. Even though thyroid conditions are incredibly common throughout the country and the world, many people still aren’t...

9 Foods for Natural Pain Relief

That deep pain is back again. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to switch out those...

Yoga Breathing for Stress and Anxiety

If you have a painful condition such as Rheumatoid Arthritis or fibromyalgia, you might...

Healthy Habits Can Lengthen Your Life

Have you heard the advice to exercise, choose a healthy diet, keep a lean...
HomeLifestyleHealthy Living

Daytime Eating May Benefit Mental Health

Investigators have designed a study that simulated night work and then tested the effects of daytime and nighttime eating versus daytime eating only....

What Neck Pain Causes Headaches? Common Causes and Cures

Neck pain is a common complaint for as many as 1 in 3 adults in the United States. Oftentimes, the pain subsides quickly without...

8 Health Benefits of Cabbage

Cabbage may not be the most attractive vegetable, but it’s full of nutritional goodness that can keep you feeling strong and healthy. From boosting...

Healthy Cardiovascular Lifestyle Can Lower Risk of Stroke

According to a new study published in the journal, ‘Journal of the American Heart Association’, people who are genetically at higher risk for stroke...


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