Natural Remedies

Alternative Treatments for Pain That Actually Work

Trying to finding alternative treatments for pain can bring you face-to-face with the ugly side of the internet. Online, you will find troves of people eager to share their...

Managing ENT Pain Part II: Nose Pain and Headaches

Headaches are not just uncomfortable. They’re expensive. In this second installment of our series...

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Foods that Help

Ensure your meals are loaded with Omega-3 and antioxidants to keep your Rheumatoid Arthritis...

Biofeedback Therapy: Valid Treatment or “Quantum Woo”?

There’s a growing trend toward alternative healing methods. Some—like acupuncture, yoga, and massage—are supported...
HomeLifestyleNatural Remedies

Benefits of Acupuncture: Can It Effectively Ease Pain?

Ask any acupuncture advocate about the benefits of acupuncture, and you'll likely learn about the potential of the age-old therapy to stop all sorts...

Mind Control – Biofeedback

 Biofeedback can train your mind to relieve hidden sources of pain. For six years, Kalin Lancaster of Gainesville, Georgia, battled migraines so debilitating that if...


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