Pain Management

Live Without Heart Pain: Your Guide to Live Heart Smart

As you may know, heart disease is the leading cause of death for men...

How Do I Tackle Cancer Pain?

If you're fighting cancer, you likely deal with pain to some extent. Sometimes you...

Back Pain: Muscle or Disc?

There are several different types of chronic back pain, the two most common being...
HomeLifestylePain Management

What To Do When Chronic Pain Becomes Too Much

People with chronic pain can be incredibly resilient after facing daily discomfort for long periods of time. We quickly build a new kind of...

When to Use Heat or Ice for Chronic Pain

Every ache and pain is different. Some causes of chronic pain can be symptoms of an underlying issue, while others can be an unpleasant...

Essential Guide for Summer Travel with Chronic Pain

Summer travel season is the perfect occasion to take time off from work and head out to find some fun. For those suffering from...

Study Finds Link Between Ibuprofen and Chronic Pain

According to a study published in Science Translational Medicine, the very treatments often used to treat chronic lower back pain may actually cause it...


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