Domarchiné Thompson

Domarchiné Thompson is a health and wellness writer for Pain Resource. She enjoys learning about new health trends and technologies and writing about how they can impact people's lives. In her spare time, she enjoys watching the latest movies and spending time with friends and family.

3 Signs Your Back Pain is Actually Osteoarthritis

Most of the time when people have back pain they attribute the aches to muscle soreness. Many people experience back pain after sitting in...

What is the Link Between Women and Fibromyalgia

Probable Gender Connection Though the precise cause of fibromyalgia (FM) is unknown, research shows a probable correlation with hormones, explaining the prevalence in women. One...

Turmeric Soup Recipe

  Turmeric Soup "Turmeric Soup" is a vibrant and nourishing recipe featuring the powerful flavors of turmeric and ginger. The soup begins with a tablespoon of...

Treating Phantom Limb Pain With Virtual Reality

80% of amputees experience phantom pain, a condition that gives patients sensations of pain in their missing limbs. Researchers have never been able to...


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