Susan Gail Taylor

Susan Gail Taylor is a content creator focusing on the health, fitness, mental health, addiction and e-commerce arenas. She earned a Master of Arts degree as well as a Bachelor of Arts in Professional and Technical Writing and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. She is passionate about animals, whole food plant-based nutrition, fitness and creating valuable content with featuring actionable steps. In her free time, Susan enjoys life and adventures with her husband Nathan and their two dogs Tallon and Kane. She also dedicates time to running, yoga, hiking and biking.

Look for These 5 Traits in a Good Pain Doctor

Choosing the right pain doctor can be a challenging and tedious process. You should consider more than where they went to medical school. It's...

5 Tips and Tricks for Natural Anxiety Relief

Anxiety can be crippling. It’s described as an uneasy feeling, a feeling of nervousness that can affect your body mentally and physically. If escalated,...

3 Essential Tips: How to Overcome Eating Disorders

Do you or a loved one have an unhealthy relationship with food? Do you have a close friend who has recently lost a dramatic...

Here’s How to Enjoy a Pain-Free Holiday Vacation

Taking a vacation goes a long way toward refreshing and resetting our bodies and minds. But when you live with chronic pain, jockeying for...


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