Susan Gail Taylor

Susan Gail Taylor is a content creator focusing on the health, fitness, mental health, addiction and e-commerce arenas. She earned a Master of Arts degree as well as a Bachelor of Arts in Professional and Technical Writing and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. She is passionate about animals, whole food plant-based nutrition, fitness and creating valuable content with featuring actionable steps. In her free time, Susan enjoys life and adventures with her husband Nathan and their two dogs Tallon and Kane. She also dedicates time to running, yoga, hiking and biking.

Your Complete Runner’s Guide to Prevent Pain

No runner wants to deal with pain, but it comes with the sport. As a runner, you know that physical pain from sore muscles,...

Top Foods That Fight Rheumatoid Arthritis

If you live with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), you know how challenging this painful condition can make everyday life. As an autoimmune disease, it causes...

Is Reiki for Pain Management Effective?

There's a growing body of research on Reiki, an ancient Japanese energy healing therapy. What research shows is that Reiki for pain management can...

How to Beat Fibro Fog

If you have fibromyalgia, you likely struggle with memory and concentration problems. This struggle is also known as fibro fog. While doctors have long...


CBD skin cream - Pain Resource Store

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