Back & Spine

Scoliosis: Symptoms and Treatment 101

Scoliosis is a problem with the curve in your spine. Some curves in your...

Is it Common Back Pain or Something Worse?

We've all had back pain before. Sit too long at your desk, sleep in...

What is a Herniated Disc?

Introduction Many people have back pain that keeps on returning. Usually it is hard to say what...
HomeBack & Spine

Acupuncture for Back Pain: A Quick Guide

If you have chronic back pain, it is likely that you have tried at least half a dozen techniques and treatments to help and...

Back Pain: Muscle or Disc?

There are several different types of chronic back pain, the two most common being musculoskeletal or disc related. Understanding the difference between the two...

My Back Hurts: 5 Surprising Reasons Why

Have you ever wondered; "Why does my back hurt?" If you are one of the many people that suffer from back pain, you may...

3 Tips to Improve Your Posture Today

A leading expert offers easy ways to sit, stand, and walk that could help ease your pain.


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