
What Is Restless Legs Syndrome? Signs, Symptoms, and Treatments

If you struggle with frequent, uncontrollable urges to move or stretch your legs, you might think you’re experiencing muscle spasms or the occasional bout with stress. However, if these...

Try These Joint-Friendly Outdoor Fall Activities

Grab your jacket and a friend, because the fall season has arrived, bringing with...

Your Complete Runner’s Guide to Prevent Pain

No runner wants to deal with pain, but it comes with the sport. As...

What Exactly Is Phantom Limb?

What Causes Phantom Limb Pain? After the amputation is complete and the limb is no...

Is There a Link Between Restless Leg Syndrome and Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a chronic and painful disorder.  It results in widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and tenderness in localized areas. Restless Leg Syndrome, or RLS, is...

What Exactly Is Phantom Limb?

What Causes Phantom Limb Pain? After the amputation is complete and the limb is no longer in place, the nerve endings at the amputation site...


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