Bones & Joints

Osteopenia vs Osteoporosis: Everything You Need to Know

Two conditions that are often confused for one another are osteopenia and osteoporosis. However, there are key distinctions between these medical concerns. Knowing these differences can help to create...

Can Stem Cell Therapy Reduce Joint Pain?

For people living with joint pain, finding the right treatment option can be a...

Is There a Preventative Connection Between Vitamin C and Gout?

Is there a connection between vitamin C and gout? About a decade ago, research...

Pain Profile: Rob Saffer Living with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

Rob Saffer runs two nonprofit organizations and lives in Woodstock, New York. Pain Resource: What...
HomeBones & Joints

Top Foods That Fight Rheumatoid Arthritis

If you live with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), you know how challenging this painful condition can make everyday life. As an autoimmune disease, it causes...

Is There a Preventative Connection Between Vitamin C and Gout?

Is there a connection between vitamin C and gout? About a decade ago, research began to suggest that taking a daily dose of vitamin...

5 Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency You Must Know

The sunshine vitamin, also known as vitamin D, is something your body needs, but you may not be getting enough of it. About 42%...

Reprogramming Genes to Keep Joints Healthy

By: Dr. Francis Collins Our joints are pretty amazing marvels of engineering, but they don’t last forever. As we age, or if we suffer certain...


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